Poisoned by Lies and Hypocrisy
America's First Attempt to Bring Liberty to Canada, 1775–1776
by Gavin K. Watt.
After a four-year absence in England, Governor Guy Carleton returned to Canada and discovered that political unrest in the American colonies was at a fever pitch. Soon after, open warfare erupted in Massachusetts, which was quickly followed by a rebel invasion of Canada.
The Revolution’s first two campaigns are viewed through these windows.
- American reaction to the “intolerable” Quebec Act.
- Disruption of Canadian and native mobilization by rebel agents.
- Rabid persecution of the rebels’ political opponents.
- Liberty delivered by invasion and Carleton’s perplexing reaction.
- Defence of Quebec City by Canadian militia, American loyalists, British Regulars and sailors.
- Valour of Canadians, natives and loyalists in expelling the invaders.
- Remarkable naval build-up on Lake Champlain.
- King George’s disappointment with the results of Carleton’s 1776 campaign.
JP - October 9, 2014
good information, tends to jump around from subject to subject, but having read most of Mr. Watt's books, you expect that.By M. Anderson 2014
The strengths of this work are in some of its key details, particularly examination of cross-border loyalist activity between New York and Canada, and Canadian Indian participation in the early part of the war. It also incorporates a few new primary sources of some merit.
It is a useful complement to other works on this campaign with its Canadian loyalist focus.
Col. Kim R.Stacy (Ret.), 84th Regiment of Foot (R.H.E.), PonteVedra, Fl
I just finished the book up. Very nice summary of a complicated period of time.Well done again. Cheers. Kim

Gavin Watt has studied Canada’s role in the American Revolution for forty years and has nine books published on the subject. He pursues a life-long interest in military history and has re-enacted in four historical eras. Gavin is a honourary Vice-President of the United Empire Loyalists’ Association and often speaks at historical societies’ meetings.